Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. - Dr. Suess
This quote from Dr. Suess is how I'm trying to feel right now but it is rather difficult to smile at the moment. My room is all packed up and my suitcases are sitting at ready to leave in a couple of hours. My flight is not actually till tomorrow morning but I'm taking a shuttle to Halifax tonight.
Last weather shot
My bags all packed and ready to go.
Wish me safe travels as I'll be doing it a lot in the next day and a half.
Happy Travels!
I'm going to put these in a semi less favorite to most favorite kind of order. Some of the pictures may not be of my actual vacation as I do not have access to the pictures from them but I do guarantee that I have been there. So without any further ado here is the list!
5. Arches NP, Canyonland NP,Walnut Canyon, and some other interesting things in and around the Arizona area (not the Grand Canyon) - I can't remember the exact year we went on this trip but it was one of the big ones that we took early on. It was a two week road trip in which we covered almost all National Parks and Monuments between Oregon and Arizona and back.
Delicate Arch (not my picture)
4. Mt. St. Helen's, Mt. Rainer, Northern Cascades (Summer 2007) - This was a fun trip. I was still in high school and kind of resented being dragged to Washington on a week road trip. I also (almost) missed getting Harry Potter 7 on the day it came out but that crisis was averted. Overall though I do have good memories of this trip and it raining for the last 2 days straight.
Mt. Rainer
Mt. St. Helens
3. Crater Lake (Summer 2009) - Amazing trip!! I had so much fun on this little weekend getaway. We got to take a boat tour of the lake and climb Wizard Island in the middle of the lake. My brother even swam in it.
Crater Lake!
My brother, mom, and me at the top of Wizard Island in the middle of Crater Lake
2. Yellowstone, Devil's Tower, Badlands (Summer 2006) - This was another 2 week family road trip. It had its fun moments and its bad ones but it was good. I remember staying at the KOA at Devil's Tower watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind and freezing my ass off.
Devil's Tower (not my picture)
1. Disneyland (Christmas Time '06, '07, '09) - Of course Disneyland is my favorite! We have been there 3 separate times during the Christmas season and twice with other people. It is a magical place to be at Christmas and the park looks spectacular all dressed up. My goal is to now go when it's not Christmas time. It's a good goal I think.
It's a Small World all done up for Christmas
Christmas tree on Main St.
Me on Tom Sawyer Island
That concludes my top 5 childhood(ish) family vacations. There were plenty more but these stand out in my memory and were the best. I hope everyone had fun reminiscing with me.
The last few weeks have been crazy with school and preparing to go home for good. Things should be a little slower this week before I go home because I am done with all but one class. That does not mean that packing is done (which it isn't) or that I am at all ready to go (which I'm not). I really do miss home but I am going to miss all of the friends I have made here at CBU. I hope to come back soon.
The last few weeks have not only been crazy with school but with the weather as well. We've had a snow storm and a couple of wind storms. The power has gone out 3 times. This doesn't count the excitement at the beginning of the semester when the water went out. As you can tell it has been a rather interesting semester as far as power, water, and weather are concerned.
Here's a few pictures of the goings on this last few weeks.
This is a local Cape Breton artist. I first came across her last semester when my friend lent me her debut CD. It's fantastic and I highly recommend her music. Her is one of her new songs White Picket Fence. Also here is her website if you want to check out some of her other music.
Last night something exciting happened. I bet you can't guess what it was. Give up? Ok ok I'll tell you. I went to a Cape Breton Screaming Eagles hockey game last night!! Many might think nothing of that but I had never been to a hockey game before. The most exciting part is that after only one game I'm hooked. I really enjoy the game of hockey. This coming from the girl who up until a week ago didn't know there were 3 periods in hockey and not quarters.
Eagles warming up
I enjoyed it for a couple of reasons.
1) It's fast. - The players move fast and the game doesn't stop and regroup after every play like it does it football. Or at least it didn't take forever.
2) Fights!! - Very few other sports have this. In the game last night there was 2 fights within the first minute.
Oh and the Cape Breton team won! 9-4
Happy Travels!
Friday, November 18, 2011
This weeks Snapshot Friday brought to you by too little sleep and the library.
Drinking hot chocolate out of a Keith's mug in the library. Fun was had and studying was done.
This week for our Wednesday video we have ... Cover Me Canada! Cover Me Canada is a reality TV competition show which is on CBC. The show is a competition to find the most talented singer, rock band, group, or ensemble in Canada. Contestants can select from four Canadian songs to cover: Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot, Run To You by Bryan Adams, Life is a Highway by Tom Cochrane or Black Velvet by Alannah Myles.
Here is a mix up of Life is a Highway covers. Hope you enjoy!!
I'm hoping to start a new series to be called Snapshot Friday. So here's my first try at it.
All the books needed to write 2 different papers and season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the ever so rare study break. Can't you tell it's going to be a fantastic Friday? Wish me luck in my paper writing endeavors.
"The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger is a horror-comedy set in the 1980’s based on iconic slasher movies like Friday the 13th. Like any other classic horror movie, it involves partying teenagers in the woods. Inevitably, the Forest Ranger finds them and kills them off one by one."
The film was shot over 23 days in Cape Breton, with an all Nova Scotia cast giving great performances as the stereotypical teens.
Here's an interesting article about it off of the CBU website.
The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger is even in the running for TIFF’s Top 10 Canadian Films of the year!
For the people who have not been fallowing MGM financial crisis, it put many of MGM films on hold.Some films were put on hold for well over three years.A year ago MGM came out and stated that the first films that they would be making would be Bond 23 and The Hobbit.Well it has come time to put the wheels in motion on the first phase.Bond 23 which has been titled Skyfall will be reseeded in the November of 2012.Daniel Craig and Judi Dench have been confirmed to be coming back to their rules.For the people who missed the press conference, I hope you enjoy it.
Today is Thanksgiving Day, at least here in Canada. From what I have gathered most people generally have their big Thanksgiving meal on Sunday. I was not any different. Yesterday a bunch of us got together at a friends apartment and had a potluck dinner. It was absolutely fantastic and a great time was had by all. It was a little strange for me to have that Thanksgiving dinner so late at night (we ate about 7pm). In my family we generally eat about 1 or 2pm. I will write more on the differences of tradition later.
I hope everyone had a lovely day whether it was Thanksgiving or not but just in case
You all remember my discussion of Tim Hortons vs. Starbucks, right? Well it appears my prayers for a Starbucks is coming just a little late. This semester CBU is finishing up the building of a new wing. Rumor has it that after they complete it they will be putting in a Starbucks. It makes me sad that this will be after I leave. I suppose it is also a good thing because I would spend a nice chunk of money there with it being the holiday season. I do love my pumpkin spice lattes and egg nog flavored drinks.
To continue my amazing weekend, Thursday night we went to see a musical and not just any musical the Anne & Gilbert musical!! It was fantastic and incredibly well done. I enjoyed both the music and the acting. Needless to say this was one of the highlights of my trip. You can check out the home page for the musical here.
Friday was by far the most exciting day for me. This was the day that I had been looking forward to since I was 9! We went to where it all happened, "Green Gables" itself. I do need to note that there really is no Green Gables. The place that they advertise as Green Gables is in fact the house of a relative to L.M. Montgomery. It did however give her the inspiration for Anne and many of her other books. The grounds around the house also contributed to her books. I got to walk down Lover's Lane.
And I got to walk through the Haunted Woods to what remains of the house that Lucy grew up in. The best part of this entire experience was getting to do it with my Mom. She's been there from the first day that I was introduced to Anne and the world of L.M. Montgomery and she understood how much the entire experience meant to me.
After an Anne and L.M. Montgomery filled morning and afternoon our cozy little group headed out to the North Cape which is the Northwestern most tip of PEI.
Lighthouse at North Cape
The next day was a fun filled day in which we drove to the east side of the island and then back into Charlottetown. We spent the afternoon and evening around Charlottetown doing some last minute PEI shopping. I even had the opportunity to have COWS ice cream (sorry I still think Tillamook ice cream is better).
Province House in Charlottetown
Sunday morning we left the beautiful PEI and crossed the Confederation Bridge into New Brunswick. After a few stops I was dropped off at the bus station in Truro to make the 6 hour trip back to Sydney.
One last picture of the group with "Bruce"
Confederation Bridge (8 miles long)
I hope you all enjoy the pictures from my adventure to Prince Edward Island. If there is something you want more information on about my trip feel free to ask! And as always feel free to comment.
I have been dreaming about this moment since I was a little girl of 9. Anyone who has known me for awhile will know that it has always been a dream of mine to visit PEI because it is the setting for L.M. Montgomery's classic Anne of Green Gables and most of her other books. As a 6th grader I was introduced to Anne's world by my school's secretary. She lent me the books and the rest is history.
This weekend I had the opportunity to go to PEI with my mom and 2 aunts. It was an absolutely fantastic weekend which I wish could have been longer. However, even though we only had a short period of time I feel we were able to fit in as much as possible.
It all started Wednesday afternoon when I was picked up at school. We then visited the giant fiddle on the Sydney waterfront and hit the road toward New Glasgow, where we staid for the night.
Me at the Giant Fiddle!
The next morning we got up and headed to the Wood Islands - Pictou ferry. It was a beautiful ride and we even got to see a whale!!
The black spot is a whale
My mom and I on the ferry
After getting off the ferry we made the hour drive in to Charlottetown for lunch. Along the way we soaked up the spectacular views that make up the countryside of PEI.
That's it for today. I'll write about my time on PEI tomorrow. But until then....
This semester I am taking a wonderful class called Celtic Dance. The other day we had a performance class where we learned how to do some of the basic steps for a reel and a strathspey. This is a unique dance from Cape Breton called Cape Breton Step Dancing. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.
I made it back safely from my weekend adventure on PEI and will be posting about it in the next few days. However, I must first get some school work done. See you in a couple of days!!
I told you all excitement was coming but I bet you couldn't guess what it was. Well you no longer have to wonder here is the big surprise..................
My Mom is on the Island!!!!
My mom has come to visit me, along with two of my aunts. They have spent a few days on the mainland but now they are here visiting me. This weekend we will also be taking a little adventure off island. Be sure to check back to see where!
This year is the 100 year anniversary for the creation of Parks Canada and the 125 anniversary for the first Canadian National Park Banff. In honor of this I'm including two videos today. The first is celebrating the park system and the second is celebrating Banff.
The first weekend that I was here on Cape Breton I had the opportunity to go to Louisbourg with a bunch of friends. It was quite the adventure. The Fortress of Louisbourg is a National Historic Site of Canada and a rather amazing place. I'm just going to share some pictures from our adventure at the moment.
From the left: Mel, Steve, Me
The Village of Louisbourg
King's Bastion Barracks
This place is beautiful and if you ever get the chance to visit or learn more about Louisbourg I highly recommend it. Canadian history is fascinating, at least to me it is.
Being from the Pacific Northwest I have grown fond of seeing the lovely and ever present Starbucks sign on many street corners. It seems that where ever you go there is always a Starbucks from which you can order your Venti Caramel Frappuccino Light Blended drink.
Similar to this
Here on Cape Breton Island and in the town of Sydney this is not the case. There is NO Starbucks on the island let alone in Sydney. I am not the kind of person who must have my coffee or die but I do occasionally enjoy a Starbucks blended beverage (especially during the holiday season). Imagine when I discovered that there was no Starbucks to be had. I quickly recovered from my shock of a non-Starbucks world and moved forward.
Living here on Cape Breton I consoled myself with the discovery of the wonderful Tim Hortons. This amazing place I have discovered is much more to my liking and does not have as many choices as Starbucks (which I greatly enjoy). Tim Hortons is known for its simplicity of coffee and donuts and believe me they do it well.
A commonly seen sign
I even went through a longing for Tim Hortons while I was home this summer. (The nearest one to home for me is in Victoria or Vancouver, BC.) It was also one of the first things I found upon entering a Canadian airport. I hope that everyone gets the opportunity to go to a Tim Hortons and experience its wonders. And as always...
Senior year of high school one of my teachers had us write down 50 things we wanted to do before we died and somehow yesterday this came up with my friend. We began reading our lists to each other and marking off things we have done. One of the items on my list is to visit all 50 states. She then found a website that will color a map of all the states you have been to and all those that you haven't. So here is my map. (The colored states are the ones I've been to.)
How many have you visited?
Happy Travels!!
P.S. Here's the link if you want to figure out your own.
If you have been reading this blog for awhile you will remember the weather shots I took last winter from my dorm window of all of the snow. I have decided to continue this. First though I want to compare one of my winter shots to the shot I took today.
Ok so in my last post about Las Vegas I forgot to include two of the awesome things we did.
Awesome thing #1: Stratosphere
The Stratosphere had one of the most spectacular views of the Strip and of the Las Vegas Valley. It was not even that windy the day that we went up. This is also the location of one of the world's highest amusement parks! (Of which I did not partake)
View from the road of the Stratosphere
Me with a view of the valley
Awesome thing #2: The Venetian
Going into the Venetian was seriously like walking into Venice (and I would know since I've been to Venice twice). It was all indoors and lighting controlled so when you walked from one room to another it could go fro day to night. The decor was also spectacular.
Part of the front entrance for the Venetian
The "Grand Canal"
All in all my trip to Vegas was wonderful and will never be forgotten. We had a a great time exploring the strip and spending time at the pool. I hope to repeat it soon.
So as many of you know I went to Vegas for my birthday. Let me just say it was fantastic and I would most definitely go back to do it again. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay with my friend's mom who happened to have a pool. Needless to say I spent a lot of time by the pool. Here are a few highlight photos of the first day.
Here is the New York, NY Casino and Resort. The inside was alright, nothing spectacualr but the roller coaster ride was FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!!!! Can you tell I loved the coaster?
It's a sleepy Kitty at MGM
And last but certainly not least..............
No words can describe how awesome it was to go to the Pawn Shop. The guys were not there but it was still pretty sweet.
I cannot believe that we are well on our way to the middle of September. Can you? I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on what's going on up here in the north-eastern part of Canada before I write a full length post. So here are the highlights:
Vegas was awesome and I had a fantastic birthday
I made it safely to Nova Scotia
Classes start on Monday
My room looks like a tornado went off in it
I think that's all the highlights and important things from the last couple of weeks. I am currently working on writing about my trip to Vegas and one on the last couple of days here in Nova Scotia. That's what everyone has to look forward to.
The time has come my friends to start a new adventure. After another full week of work I will be boarding a plan off to Las Vegas to celebrate my 21st birthday with my best friend. Follwing a three day whirlwind of fun I will be heading home.
Upon coming home I will work for three days, Friday thru Sunday, and on Monday morning at 6:05am I will board another plane. This time I will be off to the Great White North or Canada as I like to call it. I have a fairly easy flight schedule but it will take just over 14 hours to get there. Along the way I will be stopping in to see the magnificent airports of Vancouver and Toronto before I finally land in Sydney at 1:01am. Also in case you all have forgotten where Sydney is I have included a map. The red star is where I am from on the west coast and the blue star is where I am going on the east coast.
Clearly from my busy schedule the next couple of weeks will be busy ones and by the time I get to school I will probably be in need of sleep. Well.... I'm off so wish me luck on my next adventure.
For over one hundred years America has experienced the growth of our home made automobiles. We have all so experienced invasions by the Germans, the Japanese and the Koreans. Now hold on to your seats America, with the Italian invasion of the FIAT 500.
When on my flight to Frankfurt I was given dinner and breakfast.In both meals thay gave Tillamook Cheese out. At first I thought it must be a different Tillamook. But when I looked on the back I read made with pride in Oregon. So if you ever fly with the Germans on Lufthansa look for the Tillamook.
Hello one and all!! I am proud to anounce that my brother Nick is going to Germany for 4 weeks starting on Wednesday. He has kindly agreed to write a few posts about his experience while he is away. In fact I think he has already graced us with a lovely video. I hope you all enjoy his experiences. Happy travels!!
Tonight has been great fun packing for Germany, although I am not done. Traveling back to Europe and to a new country is going to be an experience of a life time.
Aviator Song
I like lying in the grass
And looking up into the sky
Don't all these clouds
Look funny?
And an aviator flies past
Then I wave up to him
“Hello aviator!“
And if you're there, too
Then I have the time of my life
And I fly, fly, fly like an aviator
I'm so strong, strong, strong like a tiger
And so big, big, big like a giraffe
So tall, oh, oh, oh
And I jump, jump, jump again and again
And I swim, swim, swim over to you
And I take, take, take you by the hand,
'cause I like you*
And I say
Today is such a beautiful day
Today is such a beautiful day
Today is such a beautiful day