Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm off.... again!

The time has come my friends to start a new adventure.  After another full week of work I will be boarding a plan off to Las Vegas to celebrate my 21st birthday with my best friend.  Follwing a three day whirlwind of fun I will be heading home.

Upon coming home I will work for three days, Friday thru Sunday, and on Monday morning at 6:05am I will board another plane.  This time I will be off to the Great White North or Canada as I like to call it.  I have a fairly easy flight schedule but it will take just over 14 hours to get there.  Along the way I will be stopping in to see the magnificent airports of Vancouver and Toronto before I finally land in Sydney at 1:01am. Also in case you all have forgotten where Sydney is I have included a map.  The red star is where I am from on the west coast and the blue star is where I am going on the east coast.
Clearly from my busy schedule the next couple of weeks will be busy ones and by the time I get to school I will probably be in need of sleep.  Well.... I'm off so wish me luck on my next adventure.

Happy Travels!!

Italian Invasion

         For over one hundred years America has experienced the growth of our home made automobiles.  We have all so experienced invasions by the Germans, the Japanese and the Koreans.  Now hold on to your seats America, with the Italian invasion of the FIAT 500.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Travel Ideas

For all those travelers out there this link gives some ideas for traveling light.