Thursday, April 25, 2013

Real Life: Rejection

One of the hardest things to deal with in life is this little thing called... REJECTION!

Rejection is one of the hardest things to deal with in your 20s. You want to know why? Because it happens a lot. And when I say a lot I really and truly mean it. It starts of with colleges and universities on whether you get in or not. It then moves on to whether a professor likes you and your work. I feel it only escalates from there. Those are just the sort of rejections you have to worry about as a student. As a girl you face rejection from guys, from jobs, and from work.

If you cannot tell I have faced some rejection here in the last week. Though I know it was not personal rejection always seems to hurt. 

I had applied for a job about a month and a half ago. It was for a job in Montana and though I thought it looked interesting I thought nothing of it and pushed it to the back of my mind. Almost two weeks ago now I received a call asking me if I was still interested and if I would be available the following day for an interview. I responded with a resounding YES! I spent the evening researching as much as I could about the business; what they did for the public, how they operated, and their entire history. I discovered in my research that I would actually not only love the job but the business also looked fantastic and everything I could hope for. I had the interview the following day and thought it went very well. I was informed that I would find out by the end of the week if I had received the position. I was ecstatic! I felt sure that this position could be mine and started imagining what my life could be like with this job. (Even though I told myself not to.)

By the end of the week I was a wreak. I could not wait to find out about the position and move forward with my plans. To my dismay when I got the call I was told that they had gone with someone else who had more experience in event planning.... This was blow to my ego. I hadn't realized how much I wanted this job until it was denied to me. 

I spent the next few days trying to figure out my next move. That was when I realized that I didn't have to have a next move. I could just continue applying for jobs like I have been for the last month. 

The first cut is the deepest as they say. Now I know what it feels like at this point in my life. I am prepared for my next encounter with rejection. In fact I am ready to embrace rejection and make it my play thing! (A little far I know but I felt it was required.)

This ONE rejection was not the end of the world nor will it be my last rejection in my hunt for full time employment. 

Have you ever had rejection so bad it hurt? Tell me about it.

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