Friday, April 12, 2013

Have you Met Miss Jones?

Some days I feel like my life is going no where; that I have no motivation or goals. It is at this point that I usually look up my friend Bridget Jones. Now some of you might know Bridget Jones and some of you may not. I was first introduced to Miss Jones during the summer between my eighth grade and freshman year. It was a big deal. I was moving on into High School. Into the unknown... (or really just moving out of the mid-high commons since I went to a combination mid/high school.)

At first look Bridget Jones was a weird anomaly to me. I could not understand why any of this was amusing and why people would like this movie let alone go out and read the book. (This was before I had read or seen Pride and Prejudice.) It was not until I went looking for books to read on vacation a few years later that I picked up the book (and it's sequel) that I began to understand the appeal of Miss Jones. 

Bridget Jones is every girl. She screws up.. constantly. She has crazy parents and even crazier friends. She whines like a normal person, acts like a normal person, and eats like a normal person. In so many books and movies the female heroine's always seem somewhat artificial. They have aspects of a normal person but you put everything together and it just doesn't feel quite right. And yet despite all of these factors in Bridget's life she still ends up with the guy and is her own women in the process. 

This aspect of Bridget Jones appeals to me. Even though it is just a book (or movie) it gives me hope that even the normal people (or slightly dysfunctional people) have a hope at a happy ending and dreams come true. (I mean have you seen Mark Darcy? Who wouldn't want him?)

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