Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Apparently I'm Dopey

It's official I am Dopey. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a very athletic person. I did sports growing up. I played in a soccer league and mostly swam my summers away. In high school I quit swimming and was a theater kid. That pretty much ended any group sports activities that I participated in. 

Fast-forward to Spring of 2012. I got accepted to the Disney College Program and then for some silly reason decided to register for the Tower of Terror 10 Miler. For a girl who could barely run a mile this was a big deal. I started training and trained all summer... 

It was a long summer. I started off not being able to run 3 miles without getting winded to being able to run 10 miles without killing myself. After this race I ran a couple of times, nothing serious, but mostly my running just stopped. I got busy with work and holiday's here at Disney. I realize that these are just excuses but they still stopped me from continuing on with my running goals which I had been so good about up until that point. 

March 22, 2013 - Disney announces it's lineup for their Walt Disney Marathon Weekend. They had the usual races (1/2 marathon, full marathon, and Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge). However, this year they added a couple more races. They added a 10K and... the Dopey Challenge.

The Dopey Challenge spans all of Marathon Weekend. It starts of on Thursday with a 5K, then continues to Friday with the inaugural 10K, Saturday is the 1/2 Marathon, and then on Sunday the Marathon. Combined all of these races together and you get the Dopey Challenge. 

48.6 miles over a span of 4 days..... and I registered. Now do you understand why I am dopey? I haven't been seriously running since December and I am now registered to run a full marathon plus a lot more. It's a really good thing I have 9 months to train for this or it would be potentially problematic. I am also not the only dopey one out there. I have a few friends who have registered right along with me. 

I'm hoping to write about my experience of changing my life around for running and how it effects the rest of my life. I also will need to take a serious look at my nutrition so that I am fulling my body properly from all the running that I will be doing. Wish me luck.

Anyone have advice for this "dopey" undertaking? 

P.S. At the end of this endeavor I get 6 medals!

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