Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How Not to Make Tea or How I Burned My Foot

Burns are never a good thing. I mean never. As a partially functioning adult I would expect me to be smarter than it would seem I am. Just the other day I was making my morning tea with my electric kettle when the lid (whether not fully attached or freak accident) decided to pop open and spill on the counter. This would not be a problem if my foot had not been next to the counter when the water flowed off of the counter right towards my innocent foot. The foot in question is my left foot and was slightly injured in this party foul.

First aid training then jumped in, as soon as I was done freaking out. Cold water.. stat! After sticking my foot in the tub under the cooler water for about 5 min. I decided I should text my mom and ask her advice on what I should do next because I honestly had no idea. The only part of first aid training that seemed to stick with me was needing to slightly lower the temperature of the area but not so cold to cause hypothermia. Needless to say my mom probably no longer puts me into the category of partially functioning adult but she did help me in my time of need... from clear across the country. 

I learned you are not supposed to put any sort of ointment on the burn in case the skin is broken because it could then become infected. You also need to wrap it loosely in gauze in order to keep it clean but still able to breathe. This was the difficult part for me. I had no gauze sitting around. I then remembered that I had a first aid kit in my car. Putting on my work shoes since those were the only ones that did not touch the burn (lucky me) I made the journey to my car and much to my joy there were gauze pads there to greet me. Now you can't exactly wrap a burn with a pad but I made it work. Putting a gauze pad on the top of my foot and wrapping athletic tape around it to stay in place. 

Work that night was interesting since I had to wear pantyhose over my attempt at first aid. Needless to say there was an awkward moment when I asked my leader if I could take my pantyhose off after guests were gone. His answer was yes as long as it wasn't in front of him. I replied with obviously not. Oh so witty I know.

My burn is mostly healed. It is now just a red splotch on the top of my foot, looking slightly amusing against my oh so white skin. 

Let this be a lesson to me for thinking I am a partially functioning adult who knows how to handle situations without help from my mother. But on the good side I now know how to react and handle a situation involving a burn without going into a full on panic. I see that as a good thing. Just another step in my path to becoming domesticated.

Have a marvelous day!

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