Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday...What a day

Today being Monday could have been a bad day but it wasn't! There are a few reasons that have influenced this day. I could tell you about them but instead I will list them because who doesn't love a good list?  So here we go!
1. Tagalongs aka Peanut Butter Patties of the Girl Scout Variety arrived in the mail for me today and I couldn't be more thrilled.

2. Anne of Green Gables  Anyone who knew me in 6th grade or middle school knows that I LOVE Anne. Heck, I even was Anne in Anne of Green Gables in middle school. We are reading Anne of Green Gables right now in my Child's Lieterature class. It was very interesting to go back through and read Anne as an adult.

3. The due date on my paper got pushed from this Wednesday to next Monday!

Ok really those are the main reasons that have put me in a good mood but lets hope that more splendid things transpire that put me in an even better mood!!  I hope everyone is having a splendid Monday!

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Thanks for leaving a little bit of sunshine here for all of us to see.