Sunday, September 1, 2013

3 Anti-Job Hunting Activities (Or Why I Need a Job Soon)

The job hunting has slowed to a crawl. I'm trying to be optimistic but it can be rather hard in the face of all this rejection. My summer job ends after Labor Day and I would really like to have a job or something to do soon after that for three very important reasons. 
1. Pinterest... need I say more? I would spend way too much time searching for a new recipe that I would never use or a new craft that will never get done. Basically I like to think that I'm a crafty cook but in reality I would spend my day in a baggy t-shirt and running shorts if I was allowed to.

2. Netflix. I have a slight addiction to Netflix and their endless supply of TV shows to watch. My ever growing list of TV shows and movies is ridiculous. (Especially since I can watch Netflix while perusing Pinterest.)

3. Food. I enjoy cooking but when it's just me I tend to eat whatever is in the fridge/cupboard. This has led to interesting 'inventions.' Such as the oh so delicious pulled pork with brown rice that I had for lunch yesterday (not as good as it sounded when I made it). 

As you can see if left to my own devices for too long I would probably become one of those people you see on reality TV shows. This must not happen, for my sanity as well as for those around me. 

I am still working on finding other activities to occupy my time until I find a job but they don't seem to interest me quite as much as the three above activities. If you have any ideas or suggestions on what to do with my time I would greatly appreciate it.  

Let us hope for better days ahead. 

Happy Travels!

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