Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh the Life of a College Student!

Although this is the last week before Reading Week (a.ka. Spring Break minus the spring) there is still much to be done.  I have two papers due on Monday.  One of which is already done and the other is for my Folklore class. I have barely started it but then again it is only Friday.  I also need to create an annotated bibliography for my history class for Monday.  Then there's Tuesday in which I have TWO French midterms.  After that though the week should get a little easier.  Until I have to start work on my history essay!  Oh the work of a college student is never done! 

Now that I'm done complaining I must say I am super excited for Reading Week.  Maggie and I are planning on going to Halifax. We shall do the typical tourist things like the historical sites and some museums.  However we are also going to do some fun things.  We're thinking of getting a tour of a brewary, exploring the downtown, and going shopping!  Wish us luck!  If you have any advice feel free to leave a comment. Advice is always welcome. Have a great day!


  1. Hey Rebecca! I really enjoyed the "Cape Breton" singing. You must be having a great time there! I'm taking a Celtic Music class this term and am listening to some Cape Breton music!~such timing! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day! Pat took me out for some pad thai and teriyaki chicken after class. Take care! Aunt Janice

  2. Cape Breton is an amazing place for Celtic Music!! I hope that you are enjoying it.


Thanks for leaving a little bit of sunshine here for all of us to see.