Monday, October 7, 2013

How Can It Be?

I want to discuss with everyone a very important issue at hand. It is something near and dear to many peoples hearts.... I give you the dounut. Not just any old donut but an apple cider donut!! These little guys are absolutely delicious. I mean melt in your mouth yummyness in every bite. My favorite are the ones from the local pumpkin patch but when I went to Costco the other day I saw a display of Apple Cider donuts just sitting there calling my name. "Buy me.. Buy me.." they proclaim. I being a week person did just that. I bought those little guys with not a second thought. The first one I had was not quite as splendid as the fresh ones but hey for something from a store they weren't too bad. 

Apple Cider Donut

That was before I looked. Looked at what you might ask? I will tell you!!!

I looked.... at the calorie count!! DUNH DUNH DUNH!!!!! Oh yes the dreaded calorie count and let me tel you for this particular donut it really was. My brother was the one who initially asked me what it was. I figured it would be between 200-300 calories per donut. This is where I was greatly wrong. It was 200 calories but not for a whole donut. Oh no... it was 200 calories for 1/2 a donut, making it a whopping 400 calories for the entire donut! I don't know about you but I find this ridiculous. How is it possible for such a small piece of dough to be 400 calories? Here is my question.

Why are companies aloud to make such silly serving sizes? Obviously we're going to eat the whole donut and usually wouldn't think twice about it. At a quick glance the calorie count says 200 per serving, thinking that the serving was one donut. Just tell me how many calories are in the freakin' donut. Just be honest! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? That is all.

Happy Travels!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October Goals

Taking a look back at my September goals I realize that I was a little bit over zealous in the goals department. I wanted to do too much and as a side effect didn't get very far on any of my goals. Let's take a look.

- Continue job searching (hopefully I'll find one soon)
- Plan a plausible vacation to go on while job searching 
- Stick with my Dopey Running Plan
- Simplify my life starting with my room
- Try to keep my life more organized
- Set mini goals to help achieve my monthly goals
- Pay it forward
- Read 3 Books
- Blog more regularly 

I really only accomplished one goal to the fullest that I wanted to. All the others I made a good effort at but never full finished. For October I am making fewer goals so that I have a better chance of succeeding at them.

Here are my new goals for October.

- Dopey Training Plan!! (This needs to happen and regularly)
- Run 100 miles in the month of October
- Stay on top of all of my classes
- Continue being organized and using my planner
- Read 3 books that are not romance novels

There you have it folks. My goals for October in all of their goal making glory. I am hoping to accomplish all of them with full force! 

Have a Happy October!
